This feature is available for the following types of shipments: consolidated orders, warehouse orders.
When creating an order, the system will display a window for filling in your personal information, which will be shown on the label for your shipment. You need to provide your first name, last name, and the name of your store/company; you can create multiple profiles and later select the sender information you need directly in the order.
Fill in the fields and click the "Save" button, or click the "Add" button to create one or more additional profiles

When creating an order, you can select the necessary sender information from the list.

Saved profiles can be checked in the "Settings" > "Profiles" section - you can edit or add a new one if needed, or archive it.

If you want the system to automatically select the sender information for your orders so that you don't have to choose from the list each time, please click the "Default" button in the created profile (under "Settings" > "Profiles" tab).

Sender information will be indicated on the label for your shipment.